Information according to §5 DDG
bavius technologie gmbh Eisenbahnstraße 17 88255 Baienfurt GERMANY
Represented by
Authorized managing director: Armin Walther
E-Mail: sales@bavius-technologie.comWeb: www.bavius-technologie.comPhone: +49 751 5079 0
Register entry
Registered office of bavius technologie gmbh:88255 BaienfurtGermanyLocal court Ulm HRB 550780Legal form: Limited liability company (GmbH)Applicable law: Law of the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
Value added tax
Sales tax identification number: DE144894313
Data protection officer
Data protection officer required by law:
Ralph Zöllner – Datenschutz & IT SicherheitWhistleblower Ombudsman’s Office: bavius technologie gmbhCyprianweg 41, 88512 MengenTel.: +49 159 01853309E-Mail:
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For reasons of easier readability, no gender-specific differentiation is made. Corresponding terms apply to both genders in the sense of equal treatment.