PBZ NT Profile machining center

Powerful 5-axis CNC machining! The proven profile machine concept especially for HSC milling of curtain walls and aerospace structural parts.

Accuracy and efficiency

Profile machining with high precision and outstanding flexibility! The PBZ NT profile machining center owes its stability to its fixed gantry. This allows aluminum, steel, extruded profiles and other extrusions to be machined precisely and extremely efficiently.

Complete machining without interference contours

Milling, sawing, drilling and thread milling are possible without workpiece interference in 6-sided complete machining. The bavius clamping technology allows face machining of several short profile parts and is specifically designed for long profiles. The precise x-axis positions the part in the stationary workspace.

Proven bavius clamping technology

  • Flexible clamping system for machining all common profile cross sections
  • Standardized and customized clamping technology with multiple vices
  • Flexible positioning of the vices across the entire length
  • Automatic separation of the component for 6-sided machining
  • Simple changing of the clamping components
  • Special stable vice design with high clamping force to machining steel profiles


Every machine model allows the profiles to be loaded and unloaded at a comfortable working height. The swivelling control panel is located directly in the working area and is in full view.



Spindel Power



Spindle Speed



Saw Balde Diameter

Technical Data

Standard size

PBZ NT 600 – 1800 cm

Profile length

max. 25 000 mm

Profile cross-section

max. 400 x 270 mm

X/Y/Z travel

up to 26 000 / 1 100 / 850 mm

X/Y/Z travel speed

90/55/55 m/min

Spindle data

Power: max. 26 kW (S1)
speed: max. 28 000 rpm
Torque: max. 29 Nm (S1)

5-axis high-speed machining of profiles and extrusions

Significantly shorter set-up times thanks to 6-sided complete machining in one clamping operation

Machining without workpiece interference thanks to freely positionable vices

Batch production, e.g. production of entire parts sets from one profile thanks to vice position adjustment for profile lengths up to 25 000 mm

High-precision machining thanks to a robust, compact machine concept

Production in sets, e.g. production of entire sets of parts from one profile thanks to vice displacement

No special machine foundation required

Applications and highlights


Die PBZ NT bietet mit guter Einsicht in den Ar­beits­raum und er­go­no­mischer Be­dienung einen äußerst e­rgo­no­mischen Ar­beits­platz.

With its fixed gantry, the PBZ NT profile machining center delivers optimum machining quality and dynamics.


Aluminium­be­ar­bei­tung mit der PBZ NT. Flexible auto­matische Spann­stock­ver­schie­bung ermöglicht auch die gleich­zeitige Fer­tigung vieler kleiner Bauteile aus einem langen Profil.

The vice movement allows the simultaneous production of many small components from one long profile.


Integriertes Säge­blatt er­mö­glicht räum­liche Säge­schnitte im 5-Achs Betrieb.

Saw cuts can be completed during 5-axis operation using the integrated saw blade.


An­wen­dungs­beispiel PBZ NT: Alu­mi­ni­um seat track (Aero­space)

Machining aluminum seat tracks (Aircraft)


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This powerful profile machining center for machining aluminum and steel sheet profiles offers:

  • Interference-free 6-side machining
  • 5 axis machining
  • Fully enclosed workzone

bavius LinkUp®

Integrated automation and interlinking, standardised and customer-specific. We design the optimum automation solution to suit your specific needs. Cycle time and non-productive time are reduced. Continuous production capability – 24/7!

bavius milling head (bmh)

The bmh milling heads are specially designed for bavius machining centers and are exclusively developed and manufactured by bavius. The synergy between bavius machining centers and the bavius milling head is unique: The bmh ensures highly dynamic 5-axis machining combined with outstanding process reliability. Our milling head/spindle combination provides high cutting performance with excellent accuracy and surface qualities, even with extra-long tools or large angle heads.